Multi-storied industrial complexes: Flatted factory & Ramp-up units


An opportunity for private developers and landowners in India

Densely populated global megacities including Singapore, Hongkong, Seoul and European cities have promoted different types of industrial units to optimize the available limited land parcels.

In India, post-independence in 1960s, many industrial development corporations built multi-storied industrial units mainly in Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and leased it to light manufacturers. However, these units are not comparable to their global counter parts on account of limited amenities, building specifications and building equipment’s.

But, with new push to industrial growth in the last 5 years, there is an increasing demand for different types of Grade A industrial units. The suitability of the type of industrial units, depends on the operations to be performed by the occupiers.

This article discusses different types of industrial units in a multi-storied industrial complex: ground floor units, ramp-up (or, stack-up) units and flatted factories. It covers features of multi-storied industrial units including tenant segments, amenities, building services and key specifications. It also covers comparative rentals & factors affecting property value for different industrial units.

In India, flatted factories & ramp-up units are expected to come-up in Tier 1 cities & Tier 2 cities including Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi where land prices are high and has lot of activities in manufacturing and storage requirements. These spaces are expected to be in established industrial and growth traffic corridors of above cities.

The multi-storied industrial complexes have bright future in India. It is an opportunity for private industrial developers and landowners. In coming years, we are expecting many privately owned modern industrial complexes to be developed in various cities of India.

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